Friday, August 13, 2010

Shadow of the Yahtzee

Today on Zero Punctuation, I saw Yahtzee give a glowing review to Shadow of the Colossus. He may not do many positive reviews but when he takes a break from dishing out the bile to praise something, that's certainly reason enough to take notice. It's particularly satisfying when the game in question is something you love.

Funny thing is, I once sent Yahtzee an e-mail asking if he would consider reviewing Ico. I never got a reply but I wasn't really expecting one anyway: my understanding is that he's been swamped by so many requests he's gotten tired and irritated by them. So in a way, I'd like to think Yahtzee's comments on Ico was an indication that maybe my e-mail managed to slip through the net.

But, as they say, each to their own XD

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