Friday, June 25, 2010

Finger on the Chrono Trigger

I recently noticed that Final Fantasy 2(4) has just been released for the Virtual Console. No doubt this move was inspired by the success of it's younger brother, Final Fantasy 1, some weeks ago. I for one welcome this and hope these games will eventually lead to a Virtual Console release of Chrono Trigger.

Chrono Trigger was never released in Australia. So whilst gamers in the US got to play a gamer which has since been recognized as one of the finest RPG's ever, we Australians missed out. And we missed out on it a second time around when Final Fantasy Chronicles came out on the PS1.

Why? Beats me. It seems odd that a game that is so highly regarded be released in exclusive areas (but in retrospect, in the games business Japan and the US are the only countries that matter) whilst every where else misses out. It certainly adds an interesting perspective on the whole R18+ debate here in Australia and invites the the notion that Chrono Trigger was never released in Australia because it was a very good game (as opposed to, say, Sonic Unleashed).

The success of the Virtual Console lies in the offer of giving gamers a chance to go back and pick up on something they missed the first time around. And having a game that was originally passed over for release in Australia finally show it's face would be a welcome addition to any Virtual Console. Why not have Chrono Trigger? If the effect of word of mouth is anything to go by, people would already be aware of the game's greatness from it's fans overseas - thus, releasing it on the Virtual Console would see sales go through the roof.

With Final Fantasy being released on the Virtual Console, it is at least SOME indication that Squaresoft is paying some agree of attention to the fans. Now I live in hope that they have the balls to go one step further and finally bring Chrono Trigger down here.

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