Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Fruits Basket

Hot on the heels of a Tetris move trilogy (I'm still can't believe I just typed that sentence out) come the announcement of a Fruits Ninja movie.

I....have nothing. Really, I don't. I could rant about this is a dumb idea and how Hollywood are running on empty but it doesn't seem worth the effort.

Still anyone can have an idea - but an idea still has to work.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Blocked Up

So..... this is a thing...

You can't be serious. A Tetris movie may be a flimsy concept on it's own but an $80 million budget? And a trilogy?!

What more can I say except......DOA anyone?

Friday, May 13, 2016

Why Are We Waiting?

One of the most bizarre things happened these week: Gaming's favorite punching bag EA has announced that they are going to release a new 'action game' in 2020.

What will it be? What features would it have? No one knows beyond it being an action game, it being somewhat inspired by Assassin's Creed and it will involve a 3-4 year wait.

Ea must be feeling pretty confident if they're making us wait that long.

Or did they forget about the wait that (eventually) brought us Duke Nukem Forever?

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Well, here's a bit of news that quietly crept into the room: Apparently Final Fantasy X will be released on Steam, along with X2, complete with achievements and HD support.

Well I suppose this was somewhat inevitable seeing as many of it's older brothers climbed aboard the Steam train *badumtish* but I'm not enthusiastic - just cautious.

Don't get me wrong: I have fond memories of playing FFX. It was the first game I played on my PS2, at the end of a gaming drought, and I sunk many hours into it. I recall abusing the hell out of the sphere grid (my favorite part) and being really invested in both the plot and the characters. Okay, I will admit, with hindsight, that it does pale next to some of it's older brethren but FFX was a decent game.

However I still spent a lot of hours in this game. And to buy a new version of this game would mean to do it all over again. Remember that boss you found so irritating? Gotta do it again. Remember that careful planing you did with the Sphere Grid? Gotta do it again. Remember that difficult part you got past through sheer luck? Gotta do it again.
I've heard stories of people being so delighted at playing a beloved game a second time but strangely enough I've never had that: Usually it's a case of "Well, That's Done". Maybe it's because my approach to gaming is a thorough one but hey, I've played through both Mass Effect and Dragon Age Origins multiple times and you can only the same things over and over again before they get tedious.

Still, I have to admit that Steam achievements and HD support do look rather tempting....

Monday, May 9, 2016

Run a Good Race

Sooooo..... this is a thing.

Can't say this will bother me, what with me being outside of the U.S. but what I want to know is: Why hasn't this guy made headway down here in Australia?! We have a federal election coming soon dammit!

Friday, May 6, 2016

A New Dawn Rising

So.....this happened:

Of course this all looks very exciting but this being a trailer, it is impossible to base the eventual game around it. Yes it is nice to see the Space Marines, Orks and Eldar but they are pretty much 40k mainstays. Can we see someone else please? that a titan....?
We're going into Apocalypse territory?
Now we're talking!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Monday, May 2, 2016

Man the Guns

Recently something interesting came up on GoG: An announcement of a game, under development, going by the name of Man O'War Corsair. This game would be set in the Warhammer world based off an old Games Workshop game (as that company sure loves to hang onto it's trademarks).

Speaking as someone who was interested in Warhammer during the nineties (and in variable degrees afterwards), I do remember Man O'War. It certainly offered a different take on the Warhammer world and some of the miniatures were inventive. Sure it may have been a bit of a stretch for some races to have a navy (ie Skaven and Undead) but it was nice to have a Warhammer game set on a smaller scale. And on the ocean.

As for this new game? Well it's difficult to say at this stage because it's in development. But from the looks of it, the game seems to taking a leaf from the Sid Meier's Pirates book. And speaking as someone who really enjoys Sid Meier's Pirates this has potential. And having such a setup in the Warhammer world is better still. I do like the idea of taking a ship and sailing from one end of the Warhammer world to the other and visiting interesting locations like Ulthuan (only to be treated with suspicion by the High Elves), Lustria (only to be speared by the Lizardmen when you try to loot their gold) and Naggaroth (and no doubt ending up being sacrificed to Khaine by the Druchii).