Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Well, here's a bit of news that quietly crept into the room: Apparently Final Fantasy X will be released on Steam, along with X2, complete with achievements and HD support.

Well I suppose this was somewhat inevitable seeing as many of it's older brothers climbed aboard the Steam train *badumtish* but I'm not enthusiastic - just cautious.

Don't get me wrong: I have fond memories of playing FFX. It was the first game I played on my PS2, at the end of a gaming drought, and I sunk many hours into it. I recall abusing the hell out of the sphere grid (my favorite part) and being really invested in both the plot and the characters. Okay, I will admit, with hindsight, that it does pale next to some of it's older brethren but FFX was a decent game.

However I still spent a lot of hours in this game. And to buy a new version of this game would mean to do it all over again. Remember that boss you found so irritating? Gotta do it again. Remember that careful planing you did with the Sphere Grid? Gotta do it again. Remember that difficult part you got past through sheer luck? Gotta do it again.
I've heard stories of people being so delighted at playing a beloved game a second time but strangely enough I've never had that: Usually it's a case of "Well, That's Done". Maybe it's because my approach to gaming is a thorough one but hey, I've played through both Mass Effect and Dragon Age Origins multiple times and you can only the same things over and over again before they get tedious.

Still, I have to admit that Steam achievements and HD support do look rather tempting....

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