Monday, May 2, 2016

Man the Guns

Recently something interesting came up on GoG: An announcement of a game, under development, going by the name of Man O'War Corsair. This game would be set in the Warhammer world based off an old Games Workshop game (as that company sure loves to hang onto it's trademarks).

Speaking as someone who was interested in Warhammer during the nineties (and in variable degrees afterwards), I do remember Man O'War. It certainly offered a different take on the Warhammer world and some of the miniatures were inventive. Sure it may have been a bit of a stretch for some races to have a navy (ie Skaven and Undead) but it was nice to have a Warhammer game set on a smaller scale. And on the ocean.

As for this new game? Well it's difficult to say at this stage because it's in development. But from the looks of it, the game seems to taking a leaf from the Sid Meier's Pirates book. And speaking as someone who really enjoys Sid Meier's Pirates this has potential. And having such a setup in the Warhammer world is better still. I do like the idea of taking a ship and sailing from one end of the Warhammer world to the other and visiting interesting locations like Ulthuan (only to be treated with suspicion by the High Elves), Lustria (only to be speared by the Lizardmen when you try to loot their gold) and Naggaroth (and no doubt ending up being sacrificed to Khaine by the Druchii).

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