Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Paying up

Today I did some calculating up and found out that I've spent under thirty dollars on Star Trek Online.

Not a bad amount invested on a FTP game.

I suppose it is a good thing though that I've kept track of this figure. If anything, it's a necessary restriction when facing down a MMORPG - if you lose track of how much money you've spent on it, then maybe you're in a dangerous position. I hate to think how much money I've blown on World of Warcraft or Elder Scrolls Online but no doubt both amounts are somewhere in the three digits.

And considering how much money I've spent on games that have ultimately gone unplayed then maybe such a restriction is more important than I realize.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Legend of Zelda: Televised Princess

Well the big news of the past week is that Netflix is working with Nintendo to produce a TV series based on Legend of Zelda.
This is a surprise to say the least seeing as Nintendo are notoriously protective of their trademarks - especially when one considers the last major media translation of their IP, the Super Mario bros movie, wasn't too good. 

Whilst there is a lot in the Legend of Zelda franchise that would make an adaptation work, or at least difficult to mess up, there still lies a big problem: Should Link remain a silent character?

Yes Link exists as an avatar for the player but just because it works in a game environment doesn't mean it will work for a TV series. Having him as a silent character would be baffling and strange.
But at the same time, Link is the hero to countless people - and no one could possibly fulfill everyone's expectations as to what Link should sound like (Metroid Other M anyone?). Furthermore, we all know what happened the last time someone tried to inject some personality into an otherwise silent character:

Original video located here. Accessed 16th February 2016

Still, at least the new Legend of Zelda TV series can't do worse than this.

Friday, February 13, 2015

We can be heroes just for one day

So Heroes of Might and Magic 2 got the distinction of being revamped in HD?

Well I suppose that's nice but when are we going to have a HD of Heroes 2?

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Triumphs and tragedies

Alas my computer has suffered a major hardware failure. I've had to take it in to be fixed but, as is often the case, I'm stuck on a waiting list. There's no telling how long it will take so I'm left high and dry at the moment,

Still it's not all bad news: Before the computer crash, I did manage to make some progress with Star Trek Online. I defeated the Klingon ship that was giving me so much headaches and I made it all the way to the second season (Wasteland). Funny thing buffs: You never realise you have them until they end up saving your bacon

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Paying for an Escort

Following on from a post made earlier this week about Star Trek Online, I decided to tackle the problem of being decimated by the Klingons by shelling out for a new ship: An Escort! Yes, screw the Cruisers, give me a ship made for combat! It's maneuverable! And it's loaded with guns! Yes, I'll make those Klingons regret they ever saw me!

Oh wait, they just blew me out of the sky.

Oh well, never mind then.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Going off Trek

I've been playing a lot of Star Trek Online lately.

I've been enjoying it so far but now I think I've reached the point where cracks are beginning to show. True I love going through the galaxy, I love building up a crew of individuals and how the game really captures the feel of the TV show. But what I find problematic is.....the ship combat.

You heard right. Some critics have said the ship combat as one of the highlights of the game but I'm not one of them. I find it dull, tedious and frustrating. At the risk of sounding like a noob, I've come to loathe the ship combat what with the enemy ships outpacing me, getting the shit kicked out of me by ships who never seem to take a scratch and being blown up time and time again.
Funny thing is, I've been going by the Federation campaign. And at one point I got to use a Klingon Bird of Prey - which, funnily enough I found more maneuverable and subsequently more enjoyable. Therefore perhaps there is something to be gleamed from the Klingon campaign.

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