Monday, February 2, 2015

Going off Trek

I've been playing a lot of Star Trek Online lately.

I've been enjoying it so far but now I think I've reached the point where cracks are beginning to show. True I love going through the galaxy, I love building up a crew of individuals and how the game really captures the feel of the TV show. But what I find problematic is.....the ship combat.

You heard right. Some critics have said the ship combat as one of the highlights of the game but I'm not one of them. I find it dull, tedious and frustrating. At the risk of sounding like a noob, I've come to loathe the ship combat what with the enemy ships outpacing me, getting the shit kicked out of me by ships who never seem to take a scratch and being blown up time and time again.
Funny thing is, I've been going by the Federation campaign. And at one point I got to use a Klingon Bird of Prey - which, funnily enough I found more maneuverable and subsequently more enjoyable. Therefore perhaps there is something to be gleamed from the Klingon campaign.

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