Monday, March 10, 2014

Selling in

It's been a few years since Rock Band 2 but it's still a game I keep finding myself coming back to. Sure the glory days of the music/rhythm games has long since passed but I still find a lot of enjoyment in Rock Band 2 - indeed more so than Rock Band 3.

However i find a particular fascination with the 'sellout' event. You know the one: Your band is sponsored by Hot Topic, they make you play a tune by Paramore and whilst the band itself can make a wad of cash, they run the risk of having their number of fans decreasing.

This in turn doesn't really place Hot Topic or Paramore in a positive light. How do they both feel about it? Did either sue Harmonix? In addition, considering that the fan numbers keep increasing with every show played, the Rock Band fans are quite the forgiving bunch aren't they?

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