Friday, February 14, 2014

Best Gaming Romances

Well it's that time of the year: Valentine's Day! And what better way to acknowledge this event than to talk about some of my favorite gaming couples.
Some simple rules for this one: The only restriction is that I must write about the couples that somehow made an impression on me. Doesn't matter how big - If I remember a certain couple over any other than they shall be included in this list.

So here we go. In no particular order:

Hiro and Lucia (Lunar 2)

Original image located here. Accessed 14th February 2014

It seems unfair including these two in this list seeing I haven’t actually played all the way through this game but based on what I've played I actually found myself somehow invested in these two. On paper, this could be another couple that populate rom-com anime with Hiro being a cocky, devil-may-care type and Lucia could be another paperweight love interest  (Belldandy anyone?) but somehow I don't get that impression. I think it's largely due to Lucia being of considerable magical prowess. And hey, anyone who can decimate the baddies within seconds is fine by me!
But in all seriousness, I feel the pinnacle of this relationship is the fact that Hiro traveled all the way to the moon to be with Lucia. You can't beat going to such lengths like that.

Zidane and Garnet (Final Fantasy 9)

Original image located here. Accessed 14th February 2014 

There's no shortage of romances within the Final Fantasy series and the one between Zidane and Garnet could well be, to me, one of the best.
I think what makes this work the best for me is the idea that this is indeed a storybook romance. Now that could be a bad thing but it is told with enough heart and sincerity that any skepticism is tossed out the window. Yes it may take the same plot as Disney’s Aladdin with a thief hitting up with a princess who wants to see the world beyond her home palace, but you know what? I don’t really care.
What I do care however is seeing Zidane and Garnet’s romance play out. Aside from the familiar strengths as they both go on a massive world-spanning adventure and help each other out in combat, what really works for me is that they help each other in times of crisis. They become quite prepared to go to extraordinary lengths to help the other. And, as mentioned previously, I love in the ending cinematic Garnet throws her crown away before leaping into Zidane arms – sometimes little moments can count for so much.
But ultimately I think this relationship succeeds because it is completely devoid of any pretension.  It is not trying to be a grandiose, universe-shattering, in-your-face-Gone-With-The Wind, romance and, as a result, it is all the better for it. After all, if I remember Zidane and Garnet over some of the other Final fantasy romances then they must’ve done something right.

(warden) and Liliana (Dragon Age Origins)
 Of all the options for a romantic partner in Dragon Age Origins, Leliana strikes me as the strongest. Alistair’s awkwardness may endear him the female gamers but I’m not one of them. Zevran doesn’t appeal to me either as he comes across as wanting to bang anything with legs. And Morrigan is…well… yet another one of those snarky types that Claudia Black always seems to play.
This leaves us to the bard.
And for some reason the romance between Leliana and the warden was the one that stuck with me the most. Leliana’s confusing accent aside, what appealed to me was that actually seemed genuine. Compared to the other three romances, this romance actually seemed like two people who would see each other on a daily basis, fight back to back, and engage in activities in their down time. The two people may be a bunch of graphics accompanied by some voice acting but to me they seemed real enough and comparable to romances I have seen in real life. I like the acts of affection Leliana did and the words she said for my warden.
And at the end, both the warden and Leliana left together to see the world and somehow, it made me wonder what kind of adventures they would have – and special mention must go to this because rare is it that I complete game and find myself wondering what will happen next to the characters once the narrative in the game is wrapped up. After all, once the game ends so does the narrative it was trying to convey. But somehow what my Warden and Leliana had together somehow made enough impression to wonder what happened next – And something must’ve happened because Leliana showed up in Dragon Age 2! Needless to say, I am curious to see what happens next in the upcoming Inquisition…..

Link and Zelda (Legend of Zelda)

This is a couple that's already been covered in a previous post in this blog so there’s not much I can say that already hasn’t been said before.
This is indeed a challenging couple as there a few things working against them. Yes Nintendo won’t admit to this coupling. Yes it is a different Link and Zelda with each game. Yes the game time Link and Zelda share varies. But in the end, this couple is one that somehow doesn’t need questioning. Link is out to rescue Zelda. Is she worth it? Well she seems to be considering the amount of effort Link invests in his quest. And that is enough to make it engaging to me, the player.

Femshep and Thane (Mass Effect 2)
I’ve always felt that, in the terms of Mass Effect 2 romances, Femshep seems to get the best picks. That may sound strange coming from a heterosexual male but I felt that the romances Femshep has come across as more interesting and more engaging than those enjoyed by male Shepard. And Thane could well be the best of the lot.
So what makes the relationship between Thane and Femshep special? Most likely it is the tragic element: Thane after all has very limited time left which would make one think that pursing a romantic relationship would be the last of his concerns. Yet somehow, against the odds (and/or common sense) one can indeed blossom between him and Femshep.
The tragic nature of this relationship is thus perfectly illustrated at the subquest’s conclusion: Whereas Thane was facing death with an unbowed acceptance; he is now frightened by the prospect of losing Femshep. And like any relationship one needs to treasure every moment they spend together with the other person and such a notion is indeed at play here – with the added emphasis that the one of the people involved has a terminal condition.
And this is indeed the first time we actually see Thane not being his usual stoic self and it;s quite revealing. And of course it is only Femshep who sees it.  Guess she must've made quite the impression.
I haven’t gotten far enough in Mass Effect 3 to see how this relationship plays out afterward but I will always treasure that final moment Femshep and Thane share before the Omega Run.  No matter how many times I see it, it still kicks me right in the feels

John and Abigail (Red Dead Redemption)

Original image located here. Accessed 14th February 2014 

Funny thing about gaming couples: Traditionally, the romantic interest is usually the endpoint/reward for beating the game. It is therefore rare to see a couple whose relationship is already in progress and rarer still to see a couple actually married (Mr and Mrs Pacman anyone?). Thankfully, John and Abigail Marston is such an occurrence.
On paper this couple should not work: Abigail only appears in the last leg of the game – and whereas we, the players, had an entire game to get to know, and build a connection with, John, we have a very limited time to get to know Abigail. Indeed, much of the game, information on Abigail is based on both what other characters say about here and John’s determination to get his job done so he can return to her.
But however limited Abigail’s time is in the game, there is no doubt that she has a genuine bond with John. These are two people who have spent a long time together and get on like any other married couple – and I say that without any hint of sarcasm whatsoever (well as much as the typed text permits anyway). These are two people who have a working relationship and know each other better than anyone else. It is the kind of relationship that has been little seen in a game and one hopes to see more often - perhaps moreso now that gamers who grew up in the eighties are now most likely married?

Tidus and Yuna (Final Fantasy X)

This is another couple that has already been covered in another post in this blog.
Again, I certainly don’t want to repeat myself so there isn’t much else can say that hasn’t been said already. But I will say that in the years since playing FFX, this couple still resonates within my cold, jaded heart. It was a relationship compelling enough to follow through the entire game.
Also pleasing is that Tidus, the Player Character, isn’t the one going on a quest. It’s Yuna's quest instead. It’s a welcome change as, after other gaming romances, we now know what it’s like to walk in a partner’s shoes as they follow their beloved into hell and beyond. The things one does for love eh?

PC and Jahiera (Baldurs Gate 2)
And we save the best for last.
Yes I said this was in no particular order but honestly? I think the relationship between Jahiera and the PC in Baldurs Gate 2 could well be the best relationship ever conceived for gaming.
Firstly, the length. This romantic subquest is indeed the longest of those available in BG2 and so it should be. Like any relationship, it takes time and effort to make it work. I don't think any other game has actually dared to take such a serious look at in-game relationships ever since. It seems that any romantic relationship would consist of a handful of conversations and boom! Romance. But not BG2 and such gall to tell any romance like it really is indeed a ballsy one.
Secondly, it is fascinating to see Jahiera slowly open up to the player. We see her get over the death of her first husband and reveal a more empathetic and trusting companion hiding behind the mask of a grumpy tough-chick. It's a 'project' in other words and one that is indeed worth the effort.
Finally, this relationship is more interesting on a realistic level. Viconia's may be beset with tragedy, Aerie's may be idealistic, but the relationship with Jahiera strikes me more as a weathered tree. It may endure hardships, periods of separation and so many obstacles but it still endures. And if nothing on earth can end such a union then it surely must be as strong as steel.
Indee,d with such an approach to a relationship, one can only wonder why no one has tried to replicate it. But then again, perhaps they don't need to.

And that is my take on Gaming's Greatest Romances. Of course, my idea of what is the greatest gaming romances may be completely different from someone else's but this is my opinion and my blog so you just read it whether you like it or not XD

Anywho, I hope you've enjoyed this post and you all have a fun Valentine's day spent in the company of loved ones.

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