Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Scrolling Down

Well it happened: I paid up for a copy of Elder Scrolls Online. This is a move that didn't come easily and only after much persuasion from a close friend.
Purchasing Elder Scrolls Online has been a strange experience. For you see, ever since I've discovered GoG and Steam, I've discovered the benefits in having superb games readily available for download at decent prices. It has thus become a long time since I'd last walked down to the store and obtained a physical copy of a game. After all, why purchase something rubbish when there are so many better games readily availlable?
In addition, because of the afore-mentioned online providers, I've become suspicious of games costing more than $60.Why? Well, again, there are much better games readily available and at a better price.
And, thanks to the let down that was Dragon Age 2, I've treated pre-order offers with a similar amount of disdain. Because no amount of money you throw at it will make a lousy game better.

Thus the purchase of Elder Scrolls Online has been a move that breaks all three of the rules stated above. I've compromised some important values that are indeed worthwhile and gone against the grain of common sense.
Needless to say, Elder Scrolls Online had better turn out to be all that it's cracked up to be.

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