Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mechin' Hell

Another thing I did last weekend was finally succeeding in getting an old game working: MechWarrior 2!

I recall in the mid-nineties that this game was one of the big ones: Everyone played it and those who did still have fond memories of it. I however missed out on it and it's only in the last coupla years that I finally got a copy (the Titanium Trilogy no less!). But boy has it been a bitch to get working.

Yet even if I managed to finally get Mechwarrior 2 working it is not without it's troubles: the 3dfx, which was the major promise behind the Titanium Trilogy, isn't working out too well and as a result much of the graphics look hideous.

Oh if ever there was a game to get a HD revamp......

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