Friday, April 26, 2013


Here's a blast from the past: an arcade from the late eighties known as Mechanized Attack!:

They say the further you get from your childhood the more laughable products from that era become (or something like that). Now me, I grew up in the eighties and I look back at that decade fondly for some really great action movies - namely in the form of muscular action heroes and the whole 'one man army' trope.
I originally saw Mechanized Attack in it's arcade form. I thought it looked lame with baddies that were shamelessly ripping off the T-800 from the Terminator movies. That and it was friggin' hard as! I tried it and I couldn't get off the first level!

Now I'm not a fan of the whole, first-person rail shooters as they are stupidly difficult, offer tedious levels, are more less plonking you in direct line of fire with no chance of getting out and throw everything & anything at you! Of course most of these can be attributed to the eighties and the penny-pinching nature of arcades - thankfully things got better (Virtua Cop? Yes please. Operation Wolf? No thanks).
That being said, to me Mechanized Attack looks like it's taking the whole One-Man-Army trope to the most ridiculous extreme imaginable. Never mind having a horde of T-800s large enough to make Skynet envious: How the hell are the Player Characters able to withstand so much firepower? Do they have skin of steel like that of Colossus from the X-Men? What type of guns are the Player Characters using that they down battleships and Harrier jets with ease? And how big is the enemy army? What kind of resources do they have that they can call upon Harrier jets, helicopters, and so many tanks? In fact with so many war machines why would they even need to bother with having T-800 clones?
Still at least give the baddies credit: They saw a potential threat approach and figured sending Harrier jets and battleships (in the first level!) would sort him out good and proper - at least they had the foresight to send off the most powerful war machines out first

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