Friday, July 27, 2012

Planet of Sound (no.8)

Name: Jasmine
Birthdate: 27th July 1984
Instruments: Vocals / Bass / Guitar
Affiliations: Demon Flower
Bio: Jasmine is the daughter of two very wealthy parents. She has two sisters.
From an early age, Jasmine showed a keen interest in singing, a love that would be with her for the rest of her life. During her middle-school years, Jasmine would increase her musical ability, learning to play the bass. But it was her singing that bowled many people over, with her gorgeous voice and understanding of various styles of music.
However, it was also in this time that she developed a rebellious phase, indulging in punk music (Sex Pistols and Joan Jett being particular favourites) and becoming embodied in the goth culture, buying an entirely new wardrobe in the process.
With her musical talents, taste in clothing and generally cute disposition, Jasmine found herself growing attached to a number of college bands and playing whenever and wherever she could. Within time, she eventually met Spike - there they bonded over similar tastes in music and the two became fast friends.

At first Jasmine was the bass player within Demon Flower – but eventually a lot of media attention was placed upon her so Spike decided to go with it, promoting Jasmine to lead singer. This move paid off at first but eventually the success went to Jasmine’s head and she began making a spectacle of herself and lost focus on the music. Finally after much frustration Spike fired Jasmine.

Since leaving Demon Flower Jasmine tried to keep her music career going through playing in other bands and trying to write some songs but neither went anywhere. Eventually however Spike contacted her and they reconciled. As a result Jasmine was welcomed back into Demon Flower as a bass player and a co-vocalist (singing the softer material as Sam handled the heavier stuff). Whilst Jasmine’s role in the band has been reduced from before, she is however glad to have a second chance and determined not to muck it up.

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