Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ladies Man Luigi

I've always had a soft spot for Luigi. Whenever I played a Super Mario Bros. game with my brother, I always somehow ended up playing as Luigi (and still do) - a situation that many younger brothers would somehow find familiar...

Anyway, there are plenty more ramblings by other people here on the Internet about Luigi being eternally in the shadow of his brother so here's some thing I've been pondering on: Is Luigi a ladies man?
Much has been theorized about Mario's relationship with Princess Peach - Peach has been kidnapped so much to a point where it doesn't her at all and she seems hardly adequate as a head of state whilst Mario goes through so many dangerous areas in order to rescue her for the rather flimsy promise of cake - but what about Luigi?  He's always being dragged into his brother's quests so how does he feel about this? What does he think of Peach? He may have been established as being of a cowardly nature but that at least suggests he may have some degree of common sense.

I heard that Luigi may have some degree of attraction to Princess Daisy but he's too shy to act upon it. But I'm not buying that - Instead, I like to think that whereas Mario seems willing to play the hero, perhaps to the point of obsession, Luigi is of a more easy going nature and far more interested in enjoying his surroundings than getting into danger.
Sounds like a bizarre scenario yes but somehow I find support for it in this image:

Original image located here. Accessed 4th July 2012

This was the title screen to the NES golfing game NES Open. I remember seeing this as a kid and even it kinda struck me how Luigi looks relaxed and Mario seems intent on striking a pose - the faces of their retrospective female companions - presumably Peach and Daisy - supports this theory. As exemplified here, Luigi seems to appreciate the company of (maybe) Daisy whilst Mario seems uninterested in (maybe) Peach in favor of being heroic and doing heroic things leaving his companion looking shocked/appalled.

Whilst Mario's relationship with Peach may be a subject of speculation, sometimes I wonder about Luigi. Is there something we're not being told? Is he doing things unbeknownst to everyone else when his brother gets all the glory? Is Luigi more a ladies man than Mario?
It's always the quieter one's you gotta watch out for...

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