Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sonic KaBoom

Following on from the problems I've had with Sonic CD on the XBLA, I did some research and it turns out that both the Japanese and US releases of the original game had different music. And the subsequent XBLA re-release has the original music restored. Thus, whereas I was expecting to hear something I was familiar with (the US music) what I'm hearing is the original (Japanese music).
But the promised switch between the two soundtracks has yet to be found.
Needless to say, the change from familiarity - even if it's completely wrong - is indeed jarring. Still there is the possibility that the Japanese soundtrack may grow on me...

Other than that, I'm really astonished how Sonic CD looks on the XBLA. I've said before that many games from previous generations look dumb now when we're all using very powerful TVs but here Sonic CD looks incredible - and indeed hard to imagine it being a Megadrive game (albeit one with great music). I've heard that this revamp for the XBLA was done by one guy and I'm astonished by the quality of the finished product - somehow one thinks this was Sonic CD, often regarded as the strongest of Sonic's offerings, with the red-carpet treatment it thoroughly deserved. .

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