Friday, June 15, 2012

Eulogy for a TV

Earlier this week I got a brand new HDTV. It’s welcome addition to my gaming den and it’s a treat to see my favorite games in HD. Of course, it also means my previous TV has been retired so for today I’ll talk about the outgoing TV.
I purchased this TV back in the days of 2004. Prior to that, I had a succession of hand-me-down TVs from my father.  Thus, whilst my Old TV wasn’t the first TV I owned it was the first time I paid for one – fittingly it was purchased around the same time one of the hand-med-downs finally bit the dust.
Compared from what I had previously this was a step up – I had a digital flat screen and my own remote! From here I spent many a late hour watching some nonsense in an attempt to beat insomnia. At first I didn’t think of getting a game console but eventually it happened – that fateful day in 2006 when I shelled out for a PS2. 

From there, my Old TV was a constant companion to the PS2 – through them, I was able to experience many games and see many fine worlds. I played many games and loved every minute of it. My Old TV even opened up to accommodate the needs of a Dreamcast. 

Eventually, in 2009, I moved into a flat in Melbourne – and my TV went with me. Again it was relied upon for television, PS2 and Dreamcast – only now in even greater demand. It even grew to welcome to more additions: An Xbox and, eventually, a Wii. And if that wasn’t enough, there was also the rare occasion, when it became acquainted with an Xbox 360. An acquaintance that eventually grew into something more permanent.

However in recent months, My Old TV seemed to slowing down: There were times that the screen dimmed and the sound was breaking down. It seemed my loyal friend was failing – but it still went out in grand style, being my means of playing various 360 games. Indeed it seemed a grand way to bow out of a journey that started with Final Fantasy X. 

So here’s to my Old TV – we had many a good time together and it was a friend to others as well. Rest in peace.

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