Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pick on someone you own size

Recently I was playing WoW with some friends when our game was interrupted: A pair of 85 level Alliance players started following us around. They did zero interaction with us and did nothing more than get in our way during combat.
Thus, despite my best efforts not to, I ended up hitting both of them. This sent them aggro and they started attacking us. Now being at the highest level they kept killing my guy as soon as they looked at him. I couldn't resurrect because as soon as I did, they would kill me in a stunning display of corpse camping. And I couldn't walk away because they would find me and kill me.
Eventually, I gave up and, in disgust logged out.

Having been playing WoW since early January, it's been a rather enjoyable experience - but this would be the first time something bad has happened. It was just like in that South Park episode Make Love Not Warcraft and no doubt this type of thing would've happened to many players before me.
In retrospect, those two troublemakers were ultimately looking for a fight - hence them getting in my way. Indeed, it did confirm my initial suspicions about WoW in the possibility of having fun being ruined by a killjoy who wants to beat up other players simply for the thrill of it. I guess wherever you go, there will always be some jerks who want nothing more than to ruin your day.
Of course, those two were later reported but at the end of the day, being harassed by a pair of tools put me in a bad mood and if a game puts you in a bad mood then then would be a good time to stop.
Still, this one bad thing wasn't enough to put me off WoW and I've come back to it since. :D

The ultimate irony is that this happened AFTER my Battlechest free time ran out and I commenced subscribing. Read into that what you will....

1 comment:

  1. Since those jerkoffs were reported I have made a Suggestion post on the WoW forums for manually turning on PvP so the problem we were having never happens.

    I also suggested in the post to disable PvP entirely on a PvE server except for areas specifically designated for PvP. There are many people who agree with this, so hopefully Blizzard has the initiative to make changes.
