Monday, February 20, 2012

Rock of Mages

Some more WoW musings....

Those keeping score would know that I've had very little success with characters in the Alliance. I first had a human paladin but he was hopeless in combat, he kept dying too easily and his missions were dull.
Then I had a Dwarven paladin - and the same problems with his fighting prowess being remarkably unspectacular. One would think I would give up on being a paladin but not so: my blood elf paladin Beldrath has fared better so read into that what you will.
My next attempt at an Alliance character was a Dwarven Shaman. Here I had more success and the shaman class was fun to use. However that does not mean it had it's moments. Once again, my dwarf died too easily, he kept needing healing after EVERY fight and some of the quests were ridiculous (particular contempt is aimed at the Missing Keg one). But somehow, I have yet to delete the shaman because whatever setback I've faced with him, it's never enough for me to chuck in the towel.
More recently I tried using a dwarf warrior but again it was dull, uninspired and short-lived. With such a string of ill-successes, one would think the Alliance has little to offer me!!!

But as it turned out, that was not the case. You see, one the weekend I tried using a mage and, lo and behold, it worked! Something clicked and for once I was actually having fun using an Alliance character! I could cats awesome spells and I stayed alive much longer! I was a human and suddenly the Stormwind quests were actually enjoyable! And I died a lot less - and when I did I could move much quicker in the spirit world which was pretty damn cool!

So to summarize, I finally got myself an Alliance character that worked and it was a mage that did it. I like my human mage and will certainly get a lot more mileage out of it. In fact, now that I think of it, my human mage is kinda wasted in the Alliance and could well benefit with a defection to the Horde....


  1. Hmmm I tried a Blood Elf mage for Siareth, but I found it far too vulnerable as Mages are very weak and I kept dying. So that's why I opted for the Warlock instead, as I get minions much like the hunter and also the spells seemed to debilitate enemies quite well. Oh, and the warlock's Felstead rocks! :D

  2. oh BTW you can be a Troll Mage after all, I'd say go Troll, rather than a Forsaken. The troll starting quests are some of the best out there! Plus its in a exotic/beach/jungle type area that you were wanting in rpgs! Bonus!
