Friday, February 1, 2019

The Day Wii Parted

And so, the day has come: the Wii Shop Channel has been closed down by Nintendo.

I suppose the real feat here is that something has latest well over a decade in an industry that tends to move at a lightening fast pace. But such wording does describe a problem that is growing within the gaming industry: Things are moving so quickly that it is difficult to keep up. Subsequently, far too often many older games are being forgotten.

Whilst I've spoken about the sorry state of gaming preservation, I do have some anger directed at Nintendo for their cavalier approach to their history. Whereas the likes of Steam and GoG have their games available forever, Nintendo would rather have their games being made difficult to get a hold of let alone play. It is indeed frustrating that many classics are going unplayed and many aspiring game developers are unable to learn from the pioneers who came before them.

Still, the Wii Shop Channel was, for me, the singular reason i got a Wii. The means to play all those historical classics, that passed me the first time around, was a delight to behold. And it's the same reason why I still hang onto my Wii - and, with all my downloads from the Wii Shop Channel safe on a SD card, I certainly see myself continue to use it in the future. 

Rest In Peace you glorious thing you.

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