Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Number 9. Number 9. Number 9.

Following on from the previous post, it becomes clear that the development of the PS5 represent an indication that the Ninth Console Generation may be dawning.

I suppose the usual amount of time has transpired for a new console generation but there's only one thing I want to know:

With a new console generation what are Sony going to do?

With the current situation with gaming, i can't help but see a bit of history repeating itself: For you see, when the PS1 arrived in late 1994, Sega was in a weakened position following the failure of Megadrive/Genesis add-ons and third party developers were irate with Nintendo due to it's draconian restrictions. Sony couldn't ask for a better window of opportunity and were subsequently able to make sizable impression in the console market.

Now? Microsoft is a weakened position with a degree of hostility towards the Xbox that, even as an owner of an Xbox Scorpio has to admit, is hard to ignore. And whilst Nintendo is still in the race (although it's doubtful that they will ever leave), their lawsuits on ROM/Emulation sites have not only generated some bad press but have made the preservation of gaming history a talking point.

Could this present another window of opportunity for Sony?

Knowing Sony, I wouldn't put it past them to push the rumored 'play every PS game ever' feature on the PS5, seeing Nintendo's ruthlessness towards their own history. But would Sony take the preservation of gaming history seriously like how the likes of Steam and GoG are doing? I doubt it.

What will you do Sony?
What will you do?

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