Friday, November 2, 2018

Getting the band back together

Lately I've been having a bash at the latest iteration of the Rock Band Franchise. Rock Band 4.

I will maintain that the second game in the franchise is the best. Oh sure, RB3 introduced the Music Library but it lacked the spark that made RB2 so special. matters aren't helped with the difficulty and the ugly character models.
So does RB4 bring anything new to the table?

So far i am liking the RPG-nature of the main campaign. I really like the choices one has to make - opting for either song selections or something random for the sake of cosmetic differences. Naturally, I gravitated towards the former option - there's no way I was going to play against something unfamiliar. Or lousy. Or hard. Clearly this game is built around having a substantial music library - perhaps more than ever before.

On the downside, the in-game store store seems limiting. The selection of guitars on sale seem smaller and the clothes on offer seem scant on 'sensible' options - but wide on the 'sillier' options. Mean if you, like me, want your band not looking like a bunch of idiots then you're out of luck.
Also, it seems the numbers of selections are restricted to the point of horrendous: I can't choose individual things for my band members, like shoes, earrings, t-shirt designs, and gloves. Instead a lot of these are lumped in together as accessories. And even the options that are already available seem paltry compared to previous Rock Band games. One would think that the more powerful hardware would lead to more customizing options but, strangely enough, the opposite is true.
I did like how the same cosmetic options were carried over from RB2 to RB3 - meaning that it was possible to recreate the same band members (even if the results weren't entirely successful). But to see such limiting cosmetic options in RB4 is disheartening at least. I suppose there is something to be said of making a new band instead of replicating previous members but that doesn't change the feeling of being, as a creator, hamstrung.

Still, it would be interesting to see what waits once the campaign is done....

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