Friday, June 23, 2017

A Shadow of Colossal greatness.

Recently it was announced that a new version of Shadow of the Colossus will be coming to the PS4 as a remake.

What interests me however is that this is the first we have heard from Team Ico (or what's left of it) since The Last Guardian. Considering the delays and dramas that went into The Last Guardian's development and the lukewarm reception it received, one would think that relations would become frosty with Sony and Team Ico. And that appears to be the case with the newest release from Team Ico would be in the form of a revamp of it's greatest success.

It's a worrying sign and a legitimate concern that the genius and vision of Team Ico has now hit a wall. Granted no one can keep such talent going for so long (the prolonged development of The Last Guardian being one such example) but it is unfortunate that the generate perception of Team Ico's output is a truly great game, an experiment and a flop (so to speak).

Needless to say, it will be interesting see what comes next out of Fumito Ueda's imagination - provided that particular well hasn't run dry.

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