Friday, April 28, 2017

Trapped like a rat

In what must be a big surprise, Night trap is being revamped for a re-release in time for it's 25th anniversary.


Much of Night Trap's reputation rests on the controversy it caused and how it had a hand in establishing the rating system for games. But, with the passage of time, one can only look back at the controversy with bewilderment: The game itself was a target of small-minded wowsers who never actually played the game and the game itself isn't really that provocative (Source). Compared to some of the stuff that modern games get away with, Night Trap pales in comparison.
One would think considering how much fuss was made of nothing, one would forget Night Trap and move on. But no.

And the game itself has a terrible reputation of not being that great: Get past the bad FMV and one could find not much in the way of gameplay and a reliance on trial and error - as was other FMV games of the era are wont to do.
One would think considering how lousy the game was, one would forget Night Trap and move on. But no.

And speaking of FMV games, one would accept that it was failed experiment, inspiring a laundry list of failures as a gaming format and should be disregarded as something that should never be attempted again - but somehow that seems unlikely given the recent success of Her Story and it's ability to prove that FMV games can work.
One would think considering the failure of FMV, one would forget Night Trap and move on. But no.

Really who is this game for? Is it a middle finger to the killjoys who just want to bitch about everything? Is it an exercise in 'let's point at this and laugh'?
Or is it a reason to deny a revamp to far more deserving games?

Friday, April 14, 2017

Return to ESO

So I decided to return to ESO...

Not sure why though: the one character I've been using from the very beginning turned out to be a disappointment with me dying repeatedly using skills that proved to be anything but effective. But if you can rehash your skills (for a price) then maybe there's something in there worth exploring?

So I changed my skills set and also changed my character race (call it starting afresh in more ways than one). I planned out what skills I would need, with the intention of making my Dragon Knight into a tank. Why a tank? Well, they always seem so hard to kill....

So far, this change is proving successful: My character's deaths have decreased dramatically and the skills I have are proving quite effective. So maybe there is something in ESO to keep going with....