Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Hey! Hey! You! You! Get off of my Cloud!

The big news proliferating around gaming is the recent announcement that Cloud from Final Fantasy 7 will be a guest character in the upcoming latest iteration of the Super Smash Bros franchise.

It's an odd choice for sure. Sure Solid Snake had his origins as a NES game and Sonic the Hedgehog's presence is the ultimate wish fulfillment but Cloud? I don't get it.
Okay sure the first six Final Fantasy games originally appeared on Nintendo consoles but Cloud had nothing to do with those games so that connection is weak. And I'm not sure on the wish fulfillment either: I recall back in the early-to-mid-nineties that a lot of Nintendo fanboys hated Sega but I wasn't clear on their thoughts on Sony (except that guy I sat next to in IT class). Mind you, however the thoughts the Nintendo crowd may have had on Sony mob it is ironic considering that, years later, the PS2 would trounce both the Xbox and the Gamecube.

But I digress.

This could very well be SqueeEnix trying to keep FF7 in the public consciousness but like they needed the help. Likewise, it can't be argued that Cloud has more marketing brand than Cecil. Or Kain. Or Edge. Or Terra. Or Shadow. Or Edgar. Or Sabin. Or Setzer. Or...

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