Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Volare, Ooooh Ohhh...

Another game has been struck down from my Hall of Shame: Goodbye Leisure Suit Larry 1!

Original image located here. Accessed 22nd July 2015

This is not the first time I have encountered this game: I recall watching a friend play it back in the early nineties in glorious EGA graphics and both us giggling at the smut like any other easily-amused eleven year old boy. And even then this series had a reputation of that 'game with sex in it' - which would guarantee interest from any eleven year old boy.

So it therefore becomes interesting to view this game from the perspective of an adult. And once you get past the sex it becomes clear: This game is actually really funny. It has great jokes, lots of fourth-wall breaking, jabs at Sierra (among others) and some truly absurd moments (the convenience store scene is still funny years later). I myself was fortunate to play in the enhanced VGA mode and the graphics were full of character that add considerably to the lunacy.
And that's really the strength of the game. It's really funny. In fact this really seems like a great bait and switch: offer sex and deliver something of actual substance.
Beyond that however the game does show some wrinkles with it's design: It's short, there's only five locations, there's a timer attached with certain puzzles and there are situations that can result in an instant loss. I guess that's par for the course when playing a Sierra game but really it shouldn't be.

Grumbling aside this game was a right laugh. Sure the design's dated but the humor hasn't - and that is saying a lot in gaming.

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