Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Small One

Well there's no point in putting off any longer: Let's talk about the announcement of the Final Fantasy 7 remake. Yep, one of the big announcements of E3 is that there will be a FF7 remake regardless of my assertions that it shouldn't happen and we're better off without it. Well the egg is well and truly on my face: It would seem that someone at SqueeEnix saw my rants and decided to blow a lot of time and effort just to make me look small.


Ultimately though, this is the end result of years of pleading with SqueeEnix to do it and they've finally acquiesced. This the end result of people falling head over heels in love with Advent Children to a point where they forgot how the characters originally acted. This is the end result of people choosing to forget certain parts of the game. This is the end result of people acting like the JRPG genre ended with this game. This is the end result of people acting like Final Fantasy ended with this game. This is the end result of people acting like the entire RPG genre ended with this game.

So here's what I want to know: if this the end result then who is the winner here?
Yes the promise of a remake is well and good but it seems everything that was in the game originally will be included. So, like it or not, we will see Cloud in a dress, in all his HD glory.
Some may say that some changes should be made (ie the script and Barrett being a racist caricature) but still others would cry foul saying the game should be preserved as it is (warts and all). If all parties can't be pleased then the hard-fought victory isn't much of a victory then isn't it?

Then perhaps it is time we moved on

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