Friday, December 13, 2013

That was the year it was: 2013

Well it's that time of the year again: The tail end of the year where I step away from this blog, this computer and indulge in off-time presented by the Christmas holidays.

So 2013: What about it eh? Well in retrospect it is something of a transitory year: the seventh console generation has shuffled off and the eight generation has stepped up to take it's place.
Not that it matters to me: Much of this year has been spent catching myself spending more time on the PC than the console. Indeed, I have found nothing of interest (...yet....) being offered by the Wii-U, XboxOne and PS4 so I think it's fair to say that the console race may continue but it can't make me care.

Continuing on the wavelength, 2013 will, for me, be defined as the year I discovered Steam. I tried my hand at it on an off-chance and found myself enamored off it (So much so I wrote an article on Steam for Muse Culture). Indeed, it is now difficult to imagine how I could've done without Steam. I have found a wide variety of games that I had previously been unaware of, indulged in a game distribution system that actually works and found an oasis when my interest in consoles was drying up.

Other highlights over the past twelve months was knocking down more titles from my Hall of Shame (I'll get on top of it one day!), obtaining the long-lost classic Blade Runner and playing my game of the year The Stanley Parable

So this post will conclude Game Tumour for  2013. So thank you to everyone who has visited this blog over the past twelve months - and I look forward to speaking to you all again in 2014.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Reindeer Games

Here we go with another WoW caption.
Remember this? Well it was begging for a witty caption, so here's what my Facebook friends came up with:

Monday, December 9, 2013

Riders on the Storm

Here we go with another WoW caption.
So I put this pic up on my Facebook page challenging anyone to come up wtiha funny caption:

And here are the results!:


Friday, December 6, 2013

Elf pick up lines

Last week I posted this image on my Facebook page:

I then put forth the challenge of coming up with a witty caption to go with the image and these are the results!:

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

Ee Ay Redemption

The news of the moment is an announcement from EA Executive Vice President Patrick Soderlund stating that being voted, by The Consumerist magazine, the Worst Company for the second year running is a prompt for a turn around. A turn around of the massive variety as Soderlund intents on being voted the BEST company.

It's a massive task considering the laundry list of mistakes EA have made, namly:
o    Swallowing up studios like Bioware and Westwood,
o    Mandatory usage of Origin
o    Removal of games on Steam
o    Mandatory always online-functionally
o    Methods of drawing more from the wallet of many a gamer,
o    Mandatory Digital Rights Management
o    Releasing many games that were barely playable,
o    Mishandling of DLC
o    Milking franchise’s for all it’s worth
o    Kowtowing to shareholders knowing little about games beyond making a profit
o    And treating customers poorly with absolutely zero concern to their needs. 

Still I'll give EA credit: At least they're acknowledging that there is a lot of contempt for them and they're taking steps to correct it - which is more than can be said for the other despised companies. It may be massive task to be sure, one involving hard effort and sacrifices, but the removal of the Online Pass is a start at least.

But what i find most fascinating is the reaction to this news. There are many gamers outraged by EA, not without good reason of course, and their response has been loud and varied. Many are killing themselves with laughter, others are insisting it will never happen and others still seem intent on making sure it will never happen. I guess when one takes away a gaming geek's punchline, the vengeance is ruthless (Duke Nukem Forever anyone?).

Mind you I honestly would like to see EA turn things around. Yes I have no love for EA having burnt by them before, Yes it would be a near impossible feat to accomplish and yes it could do with more action than talk. But to wipe the smiles off the faces of all the nay-sayers? Now THAT would be hilarious.