Monday, June 3, 2013

Endless Summer

Some weeks ago I added another game to my never-ending list of games to be played - after all, I've been busy with my Hall of Shame these past couple of months so I'd worked up enough karma to justify the purchase of a new game. And what did I choose this time? Another time sink!!!

Okay joking aside, I picked up Neverwinter Nights from GoG. A natural choice considering my long-standing love for Dungeons and Dragons in computer game form (one day i think might play DnD for real) and Bioware games (although that r/ship was grown sour in recent years).
Now approaching this game has been a challenge: From the outsider view it a) is the forgotten child in the Bioware library and b) carries a rather rotten reputation for being rather crummy. However that reputation comes from the original game's campaign - whereas the expansions and the enormous user content has saved Neverwinter Nights to make it the stand proudly alongside it's bigger brothers, Planescape Torment and Baldurs Gate. Well maybe it's the Australian in me but championing the underdog and he who has a go? Sign me up!

So far I haven't played much of Neverwinter Nights - If anything I've spent a far greater amount of time hunting down the user modules that are worth a damn. Still this is only the beginning and it would be interesting to see what this game can offer....

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