Friday, February 4, 2011

Dragon Age of Reason

Well, my Mass Effect 2 binge has ended so I may was well swap one Bioware RPG for another. I've decided to give Dragon Age another shot. Call it a combination at annoyance with myself for leaving another game to go ignored within the confines of my Hall of Shame, an eagerness to finish a game I was very keen on and the intent of having something work from when Dragon Age 2 hits (which, at time of writing, is in 34 days time).

I think the time away has actually done me some good. sure it may not sit well seeing as I have a whole list of games in My Hall of Shame, but now DAO is actually enjoyable. I thought some of the Blight/Main Quest were long and dull, but I have recently tackled some of the minor quests and the DLC and am much happy for it (incidentally, is it just me or does Shale sound remarkably like David Bowie?).

In addition, I, most likely out of frustration, toned down the difficulty from Normal to Casual. In theory that may sound like a cowardly move but I care little for it: Dragon Age is indeed a tough game (even Bioware employees have admitted so) and I got tired of some many frustrating moments. In making the change I have instead made a lot of progress and have now covered a lot of ground. I guess having a deadline to beat a game can actually work for someone with an over-sized Hall of Shame.

Mind you, I am disappointed that I, at the point I am with my current character, seem to have missed the boat with hitting on Morrigan. It is annoying that I went to all the effort to get her approval but nothing further has come of it. I defeated Flemeth but it seems Morrigan is indeed a tough nut to crack.
Still, perhaps that's the point: The character who demands the greatest amount of effort to win over is also the one who bares the most cleavage...

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