Monday, March 21, 2011

Reboot this: Loaded

Remakes and Reboots are certainly popular amongst game developers: It would seem that just as long as there is an instantly recognizable name attached to the product, it would sell enough to make a decent amount of dosh.

Some gamers may grow frustrated with such moves, wishing the developers would instead make their own IP but such a move is not without it's risks: It is indeed a very long and costly process that developers should aim to making something worthwhile. Having some flop is indeed the last thing developers want so there is always the comfort zone of working on an already established name.

A valid argument for the continued presence of the Reboots but I propose a middle ground: I would like to see a reboot built on risks. I want to see a reboot of a failed idea. I want a bad game taken and transformed into a good game that no one thought possible.
Any idea can work just as long as it's handled by people who know what they're doing. By way of example, the 80's film Xanadu was a notorious flop when first released but now it's been regenerated as a hit Broadway musical. And keeping with the movie theme, I thought Hancock had a good idea behind it, shame the execution was rather lousy.

So, in what could evolve into a series, I present a post on what games I would like to see re-energised. May I present the PS1 game, LOADED!

Loaded was a launch title for the Playstation. A top down shooter, it told the tale of six crims busting their way out of a futuristic prison as bloodily as posisble.
it didn't do much to show off the processing power for Sony's new beast but it certainly had a lot going for it: The game had a macabre sense of humour about it, the character designs where great (courtesy of Vertigo comics), the music was superb and boasted involvement with Pop Will Eat Itself and there was no shortage of action. Indeed, Loaded must be the bloodiest game ever made with no shortage of gore and blood. It seemed juvenile and lacking in substance but it had a charm to it that still works for me to this day: After all, it's a great way to vent some anger.
Loaded divided critics: some thought it dumb whilst others enjoyed the fun factor. Nevertheless it was a big seller: enough did get a sequel, Re-Loaded. But this wasn't well received as it's predecessor. A third title, Fully Loaded, was planned but didn't materialise. And thus the saga of Loaded ended there and then (although apparently both Loaded and it's sequel are on their way to the PSN).

So why remake this game? Some possible reasons:
- Fun. Many games these days are stern and serious. You don't see a game that doesn't take itself seriously. I welcome any game that walks a macabre path which other games avoid.
- Action. Gamers have been crying out for a return to when a shooter involved turning off your brain and shooting dudes. All eyes are currently looking to Duke Nukem Forever as some great white hope but will anyone challenge him?
- Characters. Loaded boasts some wonderfully kooky characters and some excellent character designs. The kind that are crying out for a well-written script and some manic voice acting.

Any takers?

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