Is anyone home? Are the lights still on?
How long has it been?
Yes I'm making a new post for the first time in a long time.
In a way, I have forgotten about this blog.
One would say that this blog entered an unofficial retirement.
One would say my observation that the blog is a dying medium got the better of me.
One would say real life got in the way.
One would say that I have been busy with other projects.
One would say that this blog has run it's course.
And one would think that all of the above would apply.
So where have I been? Well I have been busy with real life and engaging with the real world. There has been a lot of paid employment involved leaving less time to play games. I have moved house several times and I've been busy with my social life. So yeah: as is often the case, lot's of things to do and not much time to do it in.
Gaming wise? Well I've played a lot of Deep Rock Galactic. I've gotten a hold of a Switch. I've played Super Smash Bros Ultimate to death. I've gone through ESO and back.
Great experiences to be sure but, again, my free time is now at a premium.
I won't say this blog is completely done. Certainly I still feel that I will speak when I have something to say. But this blog will no longer be having regular updates.
So this blog is by no means abandoned, just in a state of inactivity.
So, onto more adventures.....