Monday, October 12, 2020

Pushing Sixty

 This year marks sixty years of Sega. At time of writing, there are numerous details circulating bearing the Sega name (Sonic 2 going for free on Steam being one such example) and the artwork of the Sega games in my Steam account have been changed to reflect this.

It may be no challenge to sneer at Sega. They who dared to challenge Nintendo in the early nineties. They who had a pure fluke with the Megadrive/Genesis. They who had IPs that were few in great and countless in terrible. They who made some mind-boggling blunders in the mid-nineties. They who gave us Sonic the Hedgehog and his legions of clones. 

But I however spent my youth as more of a Sega fan than a Nintendo fan - call it an effect of being in country that isn't the U.S. Granted this meant that I ended up backing the wrong horse but it also means that I have a loyalty that just won't lay down and die. 

It may sound bizarre that I am more willing to give the time of day to Sega games than Nintendo games but that's the way it is. Would I rather go to the effort of digging up the gems on the Mega CD and the Saturn? I would - because it offers a history of gaming that is often hidden from the public eye. And, as is often the case, it's the losers who have the more interesting stories to tell. 

So here's to you Sega. Happy sixty years and hope you last for another sixty. 

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