Monday, December 9, 2019

That was the year it was: 2019

And we come to the end of another year. This post will mark the final post for Game Tumour in 2019.

This year has been a quiet one. For me, a lot of my time has been committed to both Elder Scrolls Online and my newly-acquired Retropie. But having said that, there’s more to that than meets the eye: I’ve invested a lot of time in ESO and, much like fellow MMORPGers World of Warcraft and Star Trek Online, the time has come to move on.  Similarity, I think I have spent more time addressing issues running the Retropie than actually playing it.

But getting to ESO for a moment: It has dominated my playtime recently – indeed it is telling that I cast only one game from my ever-present Hall of Shame this year. However, the end of my time spent with ESO is within sight: I have (more or less) set out what I wanted to do and I feel there is nothing left for me to see therein (or at least without traversing over previously trodden ground). I knew I quite WoW when I realised I didn’t want to do it anymore and the same could now be said for ESO – the only difference was WoW’s ending was abrupt whilst ESO’s ending has been a long and slow detox.

Read into that what you will

I also think it’s fair to say that this blog has suffered as a result what with posts that were either about ESO or somewhat inconsequential. True, this blog has been going for nearly a decade which is an abnormally long time in Internet terms. And yes blogs seem very much redundant compared to Vlogs and Twitch. But I have no intention to give up on this blog – not whilst I have many more games to check out anyway.
So a new decade is a good excuse as any to walk away from ESO and towards a fresh start.

That being said, this concludes Game Tumour for both 2019 and the 2010s. Thank you for following me for all this time and I hope to speak to you all again sometime in 2020.

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