Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Seven ate Nine

With E3 comes more and more tidbits about the Final Fantasy 7 remake. But for me, the real surprise is, in amongst such news is the announcement that a remaster of Final Fantasy 8 has been announced.


I personally haven't given much thought towards Final Fantasy 8. For me it was the game faced with the monumentally difficult task of following the mega hit that was FF7. Furthermore, it seems to me that a lot of people hate it and think it the point where Square began to lose their way and make games that tend to do nothing but polarize opinion. It was that understanding that led me to believe that SqueeEnix weren't going to consider it for a remaster.

But appears I was wrong.

I suppose it may be wishful thinking of me to hope that SqueeEnix may take this opportunity to address/fix some of the criticisms of the original game (boring characters, incomprehensible plot, short dungeons) but one can only dream...

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