Friday, April 26, 2019

The journey of a thousand miles...

Nearly there...

Interestingly enough, this is may not be the most time I have spent on a game (I swear i have spent longer on other games) but it is the only evidence that i have spent (nearly) a thousand hours on a game. Amazingly still, this may not be an accurate representation of the time I have spent on ESO: It only tallies the number of time spent running it off of Steam - thus when considering the time spent playing ESO before attaching it to my Steam account, the number of hours would be much larger.

A scary thought indeed....

Monday, April 22, 2019

A slice of Raspberry Pie

A recent acquisition:

Well considering my interest in retro-gaming of course I would have a Raspberry Pi.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Doomed to stay in line

So this came to my attention recently. A mod for Doom that reduces to the game to linear state.

Original video located here. Accessed 8th April 2019

Clearly this is joke mod and I have to admit: there is some amusement value in seeing those mazes reduced to singe never-ending corridor. 
Of course now I'm imagining the Doom marine being confronted with this stupidly long corridor that he eventually gives up in disgust

Friday, April 5, 2019

From Genesis to Revelation

So The Megadrive Mini is now ready for pre-order. Which is a surprise to me as I'd thought it had already been released.
Perhaps my indifference is due to dreading seeing the same collection of games in yet another iteration of Genesis/Megadrive nostalgia. But so far, things look promising with Shining Force 1 and Castlevania Bloodlines but of course, this is only the beginning....