Monday, January 22, 2018

Toren Apart

Happy New Year everybody! And what better way to kick start a new year of Game Tumour than to strike another game from my Hall of Shame. Goodbye Toren!

Original image located here. Accessed 22nd January 2018

I was keen on this because the previews painted an interesting picture. Atmospheric setting? I'm in. A game that clearly draws inspiration from Ico? Keep going. A first effort from a small Brazilian studio? Hey, maybe there's something from there beyond the veneration of the Sega Master System.

So playing Toren two things become apparent: First, this game is is clearly about a girl, Moonchild, ascending a tower to defeat a dragon. But time is flowing differently and the girl is aging as she ascends.
The Second thing is that the controls are rubbish. Yes, it's great that Moonchild is going to fight a dragon but somehow she has a fight a greater battle with the controls, as she goes in places I didn't want her to go and does things i didn't want her to do.

The comparisons to Ico are evident with the setting: The ruins looks similar and the ambience is the same. Throw in a whole lot of symbolism and this game is clearly aiming for the 'arty' crowd. But at the same time, it may prove to be it's Achilles heel: I played through the game wanting to know about the character and the setting but no such details came. How is Time flowing in this game? Why is it flowing in such an erratic manner? What is Moonchild's relationship with her guide? What was with that ending? How does Moonchild's memories fit in with the legend she's been following? This game may be arty but it may be hiding behind it. So let me say this up front: Just because you're making an arty game does not give you a license to be obtuse.

I can understand that being arty and making a game can be a tricky balance to pull off. But despite Toren's best efforts, it did not pull it off. Still, as a first effort it's a decent stab and I would be interested to see what this studio cames up with next.