Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Ein Hund

And now, further proof that obtaining any license doesn't mean jack:

Original video located here. Accessed 15th March 2017

Well that was missing the point of the movie by a loooooooooooooong shot.
Personally, I can see Reservoir Dogs working as a choice-based RPG but it would seem the devs of this thought otherwise.
A wasted opportunity if ever there was one.

Monday, March 13, 2017

30 years of Final Fantasy

This year sees thirty years of my favorite frenemy franchise, Final Fantasy (alliteration FTW!):

Original video located here. Accessed 13th March 2017

With regards to this video, it's interesting to note that Five is the one that shows some actual gameplay footage....

Still, for me the Final Fantasy series represents a strained relationship. Sometimes it strikes gold, other times it delivers crap. Sometimes it provides an engaging RPG experience, other times it seems more interested in the spectacle. Sometimes it has timeless classics that still hold up years later, other times it seems to be making the lightening strike again to the point of painful.

But in the end, for all the times Final Fantasy DID work, I can't hold those moments against it.
So here's to three decades, you magnificent bastard.

Friday, March 3, 2017

History lesson

Here's something that came to my attention recently: The Video Game History Foundation

This site was launched earlier this week and is dedicated to building a digital library made up of magazine scans, brochures, displays and much more.

Not much else to say except, that this a worthwhile cause and you should go and support it!
Go click on that link!