Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A New Quest

Recently I had the pleasure of striking another game from my Hall of Shame. Clean out your desk DLC Quest, you're outta here!

I'm not sure if this counts as a legitimate exclusion from the Hall of Shame as the game is short, cheap and doesn't even try to hide it's intent of being one colossal joke. But hey, I made it to the end and netted a whole a lot of achievements so that must account for something.

It's rare to find a game that's legitimately funny. It's rarer still to find a game that's legitimately funny which doesn't wear out it's welcome. So is DLC Quest one of these?
Well I did enjoy the jokes, I did enjoy the commentary on gaming culture and the short nature of the game means the game doesn't wear out it's welcome. But on the other hand, DLC Quest isn't something I see myself returning to. Yes DLC Quest was entertaining but once you've seen all the jokes there isn't really that much in the way of staying power.

Still DLC Quest works as an afternoon occupier. And I'll give it that much

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