Friday, February 22, 2013

Thats my Steam

On January the 4th of this year I took a brave step into the unknown: I signed up for that thing called Steam. So what do i think of it?

Well for a while I was unsure what to make of it: I saw the wide range of games available - many of which caught my attention. But out of the ones I was interested in, many of which I had already purchased through GoG. So what was left?
Well I did like the idea of game specific browser but my current OS offers the same thing. And the sharing of gaming records? Funny, I thought that was what Raptr was for. So ultimately my first impression of Steam was that it did things that had already been done.

Since then however my view has softened somewhat: I can see that the browser has it's own range of useful features and the range of games includes some titles that I've been interested in playing and aren't available anywhere else. Of course it seems stupid that I should be getting more games considering my commitments to World of Warcraft and the Hall of Shame but in the terms of playing games that escaped me the first time around (as is often the case with my taste in gaming), as well as a method of keeping abreast with newer games, Steam has proven be quite a handy gadget.

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