Monday, December 13, 2010

Wait! There's more

For those keeping score, some more games I recently got a hold of:

Bioshock/Oblivion (Xbox 360)
These two were given to me as a Christmas present from a good friend. Both came in the same pack. I've played Oblivion before, however briefly, and I was impressed by the rendering of it (particularly seeing things stretching out for miles). Sure many of the NPCs share the same voices but for an action/medival-esque RPG this may be just the thing...
Bioshock, conversely, is something that's completely foreign but may be worth taking a look. Personally I've had a keen interest in steampunk so someone trying their hand at it is fine by me.

Faxanadu (Virtual Console)
Now this is interesting: I have a long-standing love for RPGs and a long standing love for platformers - both of which stretches back many years. So someone combining these two? I'm sold! Looking at it, Faxanadu has a degree of charm to it and worth taking further.

Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem (Wii/Gamecube)
I'm intrigued by how techniques of horror movies can work in games: The sense of isolation, thinking something's there when it isn't, fighting a losing battle against madness and fighting an unstoppable foe with limited resources. Indeed, video games have a significant edge over horror movies as the viewer is an active participant. And with horror games, you may as well start with one of the best. I've heard good things about this (particularly with it being on a 'kiddie' console), so it will be interesting to see how it holds up.

So many games, so little time. Seeing as I have many games to work through (not least my Hall of Shame) I think its fair to say I'll be occupied until....2020?

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