Friday, July 9, 2010

Lets talk about sex bay-bee

If you've been following my ramblings in this blog, you will know I have a particular love for Bioware RPGs. Baldur's Gate was ace, Star Wars: KOTOR was ace and I look forward to one day sitting down and playing Dragon Age Origins all the way through. Now whilst I am unable to play Dragon Age Origins, I have an understanding of it and am able to put names to characters and so forth - not least of which is Morrigan and the romance side-quest.

Now whilst I have yet to play Dragon Age Origins, I have, though the miracle of YouTube been able to see some male charatcer get it on with Morrigan. And I'm have no idea as to what to make of it: It looks like some bad porno flick and it's attempts to be 'intimate' just look laughable (or maybe that's the point, I'm not sure). I think the nadir is the point where the character has the most hilariously bland expression on his face during the entire thing. Additionally, I find it strange that Morrigan has to put a bra ON to have sex!!!

Looking back at the scene (Good Lord, what a voyeur I am) I'm not too sure just what this sequence is meant to prove. Is it an excuse to see more Morrigan beyond her cleavage? Is it it pandering to the many virgins who find solace to video games? Is it taking the ever-popular Bioware romance sidequests to the next level (no I'm not sure what that means either)?
Maybe it's just me but I prefer the romance sidequests in Baldurs Gate 2: You never saw the characters get up to anything, it all came across in the dialogue and the voice acting. And that's the beauty of it: It was all done in a subtle manner. After guiding these two into something you emerge with a real sense of payoff: You brought them together and you leave them to it. I really think that through not showing anything, make the romance work better: By contrast, watching the romance scene in Dragon Age Origins seems rather bland - leaving me the impression of being a perv.

Now that I think of it, why do the male characters get the better options? In Baldurs Gate 2, a male character has three options (all them elves funnily enough), whilst female characters have to settle for the insufferable Anomen. Male Jedi in Star Wars: KOTOR get to woo Bastilla Shan whilst female counterparts have to settle for the irritating Carth!
Oh well, at least the presence of Alistair in Dragon Age Origins seems to readdress the balance. Yes Bioware, girl gamers do exist! (and no I'm not one of them)

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