Friday, September 2, 2016

25 + 25 = 50

Recently I've been having a crack at Star Trek: 25th Anniversary Edition.

It seems fitting that I do so seeing as it this year marks the 50th anniversary of Star Trek. And I'm acknowledging this milestone by playing a game that bears the words 25th Anniversary in it's title. Go fig.

So far, I have mixed feelings about this game. When I started playing this, I was really excited to do so: A game based around a series of adventures that play out like a lost season of the original series! A reunion of the original voice cast! (including, notably, DeForest Kelley's final performance of Dr. McCoy) A chance for the Original Series to do something beyond the confines of a TV budget!

Yet whilst all of the above are well and truly on offer, some problems are arising that I can't ignore. I don't like the ship combat, the puzzles aren't really that hard and the scoring system is odd - why it would seem that to garner a 100% success of a mission, Kirk needs to say the correct things. But such things make him out of character: Thus Kirk ends up acting less like his impulsive self and more like Picard.

Still this is only the beginning: It would be interesting to see what happens from this point on....

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