Monday, May 9, 2011

Wii can do it 2!

Apparently it's official: Nintendo have a successor to the Wii heading our way: Project Cafe Thus I present some thoughts on the matter:

- With a new console (reportedly more powerful than the 360), it's fair to say that the eighth generation of consoles is on the horizon. After all, it's been five years which, as history has proven, is the usual time for a new one. Strangely, I thought this current one would be lasting longer than before: We have HD, we have awesome visuals that probably aren't going to get any better, we have stacks of games available and we have embraced the potential of downloaded material. Where can we possibly go from here?

- I must admit I was surprised by the announcement of a successor: I would've figured that Nintendo would abandon the console concept altogether in favor of putting all their weight behind the 3DS. But it would appear not...

- Backwards compatibility is fine with Wii software but is that it? What about the Gamecube games i have? What about the Virtual Console titles I downloaded (of which they've been plenty)? I like how the 360 is arranged with profiles and how it recalls everything downloaded to the hard drive. This system it seems set to be implemented into the new Xbox (when/if it comes...) without too much trouble.
So how would Project Cafe this effect my DLC for my Wii?

- And while we're talking about the Virtual Console, how about expanding the concept? I want to see Saturn titles appear. Nintendo can't really deny (as much as they'd like to) that the VC has been a key asset in the Wii's success and there's no reason to discontinue it. Indeed with the competition catching up, in the form of the PSN and XBLA, Nintendo would be a fool to abandon this idea.

- And if the Wii is starting on the way out, does this mean we'll finally see a drop in price for Super Mario Galaxy? >:(

Ultimately though it's too early to form an opinion on Nintendo's new beast so most of this is speculation. And I doubt such a large corporation would pay any attention to grumpy bloggers like myself.
Oh well....

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