Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Are you ready to rock?

More thoughts on Rock Band 3:

One new addition to RB3 I've really enjoyed is the improved music library. It's been great being able to rate songs and having these critiques affect the gameplay. I've enjoyed this degree of interaction and it's been particularly sweet not doing songs I hate ever again.

But there seems to be something about the Music Library that doesn't sit well with me. Sure it's a great feature but I'm getting the feeling the game isn't really appreciating the critiques. I like how RB games can really take flight with a variety of music available but somehow I think the game isn't really that selective.
You see, with so many selection being placed in the player's hands, there really is no excuse for the same songs to keep popping up. Why, when given the choice during the tours, I make a beeline straight for the options for a custom made setlist.
And I like variety - I make a point to choose songs I haven't tackled yet (which the ML provides admirably) but it seems with every song I rate highly the game resents me for it: "Okay you like these songs? FINE! You're welcome to 'em! Forget all that other stuff! You like this, you snobby bastard!"

I really enjoy the variety and selection that RB3 provides but somehow I'm not sure the claims Harmonix make are up to scratch...

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