Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Zero Hour

I would hate to be in Yahtzee's shoes right now: Since Duke Nukem Forever has turned out to be rather unspectacular, I can imagine everyone will be chomping at the bit to have him give an unfavorable assessment in Zero Punctuation.

It's well known that when DNF was announced as abandoned in 2009, Yahtzee did a satirical review of the fictitious game - a review that ended up being voted as the best one he'd ever done.
Personally, I thought that review was more weird than funny - and I think Mr. Croshaw has done better in the past - which makes me wonder why the fictitious review turned out to be such a hit. One would say that a game of a fictitious nature (at the time) meant that no one had an opinion of it to counter Yahtzee's. Another theory is that after so much delays and frustration, people were more than eager to see the (then) unfinished game get a right mauling. Indeed, it is indeed ironic that the Gearbox acquisition happens AFTER the fake review - those making me wonder if someone is going to an awful lot of trouble just to show Yahtzee up.
And I suspect it's all those "I told you so" types who are now pestering Yahtzee do a new review of the now-finished game. But as a long time fan I hope Mr. Croshaw doesn't give in to those braying mules. He has mentioned before he's not the type to do so here's hoping he sticks to his guns.

Besides, considering the many problems DNF has, writing a bad review would be too easy, right?

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