Monday, April 18, 2011

Shining in the Dragon Force

Ask any gamer which out of the many games they've played is their favorite and they'll struggle to come up with a decent response. I'm no different but I must profess a soft spot for the Megadrive (Genesis) game Shining Force 2.

Sure it may look childish (at least from an adult perspective), but there is still a a lot going for this game: Large battles, a big cast of characters (even if half of them are hopeless), fun with class changes and a big world to explore. It's a shame that the SRPG genre is kinda dead at the moment but Shining Force 2 (and it's comrade in arms Ogre Battle 64) still holds seem appeal to me that keeps calling me back.

Mind you, the only bone of contention I have with Shining Force 2 is the music: Good Lord, does it get VERY irritating VERY quickly. No I'm bagging the Megadrive's music capabilities but compared to many of the SNES' efforts, the music of many Megadrive games have dated quite horribly (although I do find the Sonic games and Phantasy Star 4 being an exception). And Shining Force 2 is indeed a casualty in the transition of time.

Thus, I've found the game can be massively improved by muting the sound completely and putting on some Dragon Force instead. It's amazing how such fast paced metal (or, as my friend put it, Battle music) can really fit in the game itself. It brings more excitement to the game itself and really fits the massive battles that make up SF2's gameplay. Indeed hearing Valley of the Damned in the middle of fighting a battle is an experienced that has be done to be believed.

So to all of you with SF2 on your Virtual Console: Try it! Drop the sound and put on some DragonForce. And trust me: Once you do, you'll never be able to go back.
Not that you'd want to anyway ;)

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