Monday, April 11, 2011

Mass Effect 3 Wish List no.1

Now that Mass Effect 3 is rumbling ever so closer, speculation is now open to what’s going to happen in this final instalment. So I thought I’d might through in my two cents in the vain hope that someone from Bioware is listening.

So to get the ball rolling, here is my thoughts on who of the Normandy’s crew in ME2 might return.
I really liked the idea of the crew interaction in ME2. The loyalty sidequests was a superb idea, enabling each of the team to step forward and have their say. The loyalty quests were great for character development and really ended with the character in question significantly changed by the experience. And if the player didn’t do said loyalty mission? Well, the character may die, never to return and the player only has themselves to blame.

Indeed, the loyalty missions add a new slant to speculation considering only two of the original Normandy crew from ME1 returned for a second swing. So who out of this Dirty Dozen will return for ME3? Here’s what I think:

Jacob Taylor
I didn’t mind Jacob. I thought he was a bit of wimp at first but he sort of grew on me – Indeed, seeing his loyalty mission and confronting his father was indeed a turning point and thankfully, made him a bit tougher. Personally, on the strength of that, I think Jacob might do well being in a commanding role. And it would seem that the writers of Mass Effect think so too as I found that having him lead the crew of the Normandy to safety in the Collector Station meant everyone on the team surviving.
Now that I think of it, maybe that was the idea so it would be interesting to see if this idea is expanded upon.

Miranda Lawson
My attitude to Miranda is changeable at best: At first I liked her but eventually she grew to annoy me. Maybe it’s her snotty attitude, maybe it’s her voice (seriously do we Australians really sound like that?), maybe it’s the fact that more attention than I’d like is paid to her breasts and arse but I don’t know.
Throughout ME2, Miranda functions as the bridge between Shepard and Cerberus. However, by the end of the game, she seems intent on pursuing Shepard’s interests than that of the Illusive Man. Indeed, this change of loyalties certainly sets up some plot points worth expanding on.

Zaeed Massani
I loved this guy: After enduring so many youngish pretty-boy types in the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games, it is indeed a welcome change to see their antithesis – a cantankerous, hard-as-nails, old guy - in an RPG. As the oldest (human) in the team, he made a welcome addition (in my book) to the team with his grumpiness, cynicism and war stories.
Sadly, I don’t see him sticking around: he’s a bounty hunter so he’s motivated by money and the job he was paid for by the Illusive Man was accomplished. Which is a shame because he certainly added some colour to the team and I personally thought the line of “You just cost me twenty years of my life!” was too good a plot point to let go.

Kasumi Goto
I heard some people didn’t like Kasumi: Being a thief she didn’t really fulfil any role on the Normandy (she even admits so herself!) and, unlike her comrades, she didn’t come out of her loyalty mission learning anything.
But what would I care? Kasumi was great! I would definitely love to see her make a comeback. Indeed, if anything, I enjoyed her various observations about the crew on the Normandy – perhaps more so than that of Kelly Chambers. And that, in my mind, may be a strength worth working on. Maybe Shepard could use Kasumi to spot any dissension in the ranks perhaps? Now that I think of it, perhaps even Kasumi could see something different than Kelly: Kelly would see the good in the team members whilst Kasumi could see something different…..
Plus, as strange as it may seem, Kasumi’s interest in Jacob could be worth pursuing….

Mordin Solus
What can I say? Mordin was one of my favourites so yeah bring him back! I mean, was he worth going through the Collector’s Station a second time to make sure he didn’t die? Damn right he was.
I heard that a potential conflict between Mordin and Grunt (like that of Miranda/Jack and Tali/Legion) was going to be added in ME2 but was cut from the eventual release. An idea worth resurrecting perhaps….?
(EDIT: It's official - Mordin is returning for no.3. Yay!)

Garrus Vakarian
Well he’s been a mainstay of the series thus far - and he was one of the original six who came back to fight alongside Shepard thus making them brothers in arms. So it makes no sense for Garrus to be excluded from ME3 - Particularly if his many fangirls (one of which is my partner) have anything to say in it.
(EDIT: Turns out I needn't have worried: Garrus has been confirmed for a return in no.3. Fangirls rejoice!)

Okay, if there is one character that should be dropped from the team, I think Jack would be it. What exactly is her purpose on the Normandy? Does she even care about what Shepard is setting out to do? True Jack’s loyalty mission was compelling indeed but what happens at the end? She doesn’t come out any of the wiser and still resents Shepard’s presence – even when Shepard could well be Jack’s only friend in the entire universe. What, so the only way to be on friendly terms with Jack is get a romance going? That seems awfully restrictive.
And even when the mission ends, Jack is still as cranky as ever: I’d honestly think a misanthrope like Jack would be less than impressed that she played a part in saving the galaxy but sadly this was more a wasted opportunity. Indeed, one would think the Mass Effect writers ran out of ideas once Jack's loyalty mission was done.
Personally, I think a more plausible scenario would be Jack leaving the Normandy and continue being on the run as a criminal. She then heads to Omega where she decides to challenge Aria. Now there’s an idea…
(EDIT: Nope, looks like ol' cranky bitch is in. Damn!)

I sure hope he returns: After all, Grunt openly admits Shepard to be his battlemaster: No doubt he’ll be sticking around Shepard for a while yet.
Plus ya gotta have a Krogan to represent the blunt, thuggish, kill-everything comrade that seems to appear in fictitious fighting teams these days )That and Wrex is kinda tied up on Tuchanka to join Shepard).
Not that I'm complaing of course....
(EDIT: Strangely Wrex is confirmed for a return in ME3 but no sign of Grunt as yet. Hrmmm....)

Tali'Zorah vas Normandy
Another mainstay who ends up linked to the Normandy (and, as her title attests, in more ways than one). I like the idea of someone being with Shepard through all three games so there’s no reason why she (or Garrus) should stop now - but should she be absent I can imagine Bioware will have more than a few angry fans at their doorstep. (EDIT: And it would seem Bioware thought the same as the Quarian will be back for a third round. Woohoo!)

I personally thought Liara in the original ME1 was a bit wet (thankfully she became heaps better in ME2). That being said, I liked Samara for being the opposite: A nasty Asari if you will. Indeed, she swore an oath to Shepard so it would be plausible that she’d return for ME2.
As for Morinth, I never used her: I always chose the nasty Asari over the slutty Asari every time (Sorry).

Thane Krios
Well, this guy certainly makes for an interesting addition to the team – particularly on the notion that his time is limited and he wants to make his remaining days count. This was a great idea on Bioware’s part but it does raise a question: Will he be alive long enough for ME3?
In addition this guy was a romantic interest for my female Shepard – I’d like to see how it all shapes out in the end….

It’s the voice of the Geth and it’s interested in Shepard. Not much more to say other than that’s reason enough to for this guy to stick around. (EDIT: And it looks like he will, having been confirmed for ME3).

Ultimately though, the presence of the loyalty missions in ME2 makes it clear that the people involved will forever linked to Shepard. That being said I don’t see a repeat of the ME2 opening where the team is dismantled and scattered across the galaxy – it was a clever idea with a new cast and a new method of gameplay but ultimately it doesn’t make sense with twelve combatants all loyal to Shepard.
So can Bioware rise up to this challenge? Only time will tell…..

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