Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Golden Gaytime

Recently Bioware has been getting some attention through this debate over the ‘straight gamer’. Seems this one guy complained about Bioware being ignorant of the ‘straight gamer’ to which some Bioware employee slammed him for being prejudiced. The pro-gay community championed this rebuke but at the same time some of the gay community were angry that they were being misrepresented.
So for today, I contribute my two cents to this debate – it may not get read but what do I care? No one listens to me anyway.

Firstly, may I make it clear that I’m not homophobic. Far from it: As we all should be aware right now, homosexuality isn’t a choice. No, it’s all in the genetics. Being fully aware of this, I myself have gay friends and they’re fine by me. Just because life made them different is no reason to condemn them – particularly when common interests can be identified and worked upon. The gay people I know are no more human than you or I and they are good friends to me whilst I’m a good friend back.
Hopefully by making this clear, it should stop any misunderstandings before they start in the paragraphs ahead.

Secondly, as an aspiring author, I don’t mind gay characters – just as long as they are treated with respect. And with respect I mean: “This character is gay, Deal with it”. Really, one’s sexuality shouldn’t make one inch of difference: I don’t object to gay characters being in my RPG party just as long as they can kill the baddies and interact with the other people just as well as the next person. If any gay character can move beyond being treated with ‘safety gloves’ (so to speak) then they’re all the better for it.
What I don’t like is a gay character in a book/film/TV show/video game who is treated in a manner that the narrative can’t stop going on about it. Seriously, some writer emphasising their character’s homosexuality in seemingly endless fashion seems less inspirational and more exploitative. I reiterate: Why should it make a difference? Why emphasise that which has already been established many times over? To be honest, to be constantly reminded in such is an insult to my intelligence as the person being told the story to – Come on, I am an adult! You don’t need to treat me like I’m a few beers short of a six pack!

Thirdly, I do not see the appeal of seeing two gay people making out with each other. Sure saying so may make me seem strange in the eyes of ‘normal’ people but you know what? Fuck them.
Okay, okay, granted this appeal is based on the concept of desire – wanting what you can’t have – but I’m not into that. And if that is my choice and I’m comfortable with that, then there shouldn’t be a problem. I don’t see why this should dub me as ‘strange’ or even ‘homophobic’. Homosexuality isn’t a choice but I can still make a choice about what interests me and how I play my video games. That being said, I had het romances with both Leilana and Zevran from Dragon Age – anyone going to condemn me for that?
And before anyone starts, I am a straight male who has a loving partner who adores me for me – even to the point of being perfectly willing to cosplay as Aerith Gainsborough.

And finally, if there is one thing I can NOT stand, it’s people constantly forcing their opinions and/or beliefs down my throat. Now I’m not one to sound harsh (and ultimately go against the grain of this post) but I’m for being my own man. I make my own decisions and I do things my way. This is my choices I’m making and I’m happy with it. Thus I don’t take too kindly to some people trying to tell me otherwise – saying I should do this or say that, or directing my attention to something as if it should matter over my own principles. I march to my own tune thank you very much. If you don’t like it, it’s not my concern. I don’t see why doing things differently should set me up for condemnation - Hate to break this to you people but the world isn’t as black and white you’d like to believe.

Taking all this into account I really see the whole ‘straight gamer’ debate is being truly absurd. Because in the end it all boils down to how we play the game. I can’t emphasis this enough. This is why we play games, right? We do it for fun and if you are enjoying making difference in a world someone else made then more power to you.
I don’t believe Bioware are ignoring the ‘straight’ gamers by including the option of a gay relationship in the Dragon Age games. Because that’s what it is: An option! If you don’t want to do have that kind of relationship it then no one is forcing you to! If you want to have het relationship with a bunch of ones and zeroes then by all means: It’s your way of playing and no one can take it from you. If Bioware truly was ignoring the ‘straight’ gamers in Dragon Age then it would be compulsory to have a gay relationship with one of the characters in the game and we know this is not the case.
Similarly, I find the Bioware reply unnecessarily harsh – not to mention strange that many pro-gay people are latching onto it (maybe it’s just me but in the terms of getting a point across, I’ve preferred the subtly of a sniper bullet than the bluster of a battle tank). Just because someone doesn’t want to do a gay romance in a Bioware RPG doesn’t necessarily make them homophobic. It is their choice and their preferred way of playing the game.
Still why should how a romantic side-quest is accomplished make any difference?

Bioware introduced the Romantic sidequest back in Baldur’s Gate 2 and it’s been a mainstay of their RPGs ever since. Back then, it was new and aimed at giving your character some colour, depth and degree of interaction with one of the other party members. But ultimately it was optional. That’s right: The player was given a choice as to whether to do it or not. It didn’t make any major changes to the storyline – it just added to the player’s enjoyment to the game they were playing.
And that is the whole point of an RPG: giving the player many choices on how they play the game – it is the commitment of actions that affect the plot and seeing their character develop and grow much like a real person. If you, the player make choices as you see fit and influenced by your tastes then really there is no problem whatsoever.

Ultimately though, this whole ’straight gamer’ debate is pointless because it really doesn’t tell me anything as to whether Dragon Age 2 is a good game or just utter rubbish.
Oh well…..

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