Monday, October 11, 2010

History Forever Repeats

The countdown to the arrival of Duke Nukem Forever ticks further away. This live footage of a demo recently surfaced:

Seeing as every man and his dog will be dissecting every last scrap of evidence to the finished product as it emerges, I offer my thoughts:

To be blunt, I'm unimpressed: I see a lot of piss-farting around at the start and a revamp of the final confrontation of the original Duke 3D only with nicer graphics. And suddenly I don't really seem as hopeful I thought I was.
However I did enjoy the end sequence with the breaking of the fourth-wall. Now, if the rest of the game is like that then we might be onto something.....

But I don't know: I'm beginning to wonder do we really want this? Do we want a game that's awesome or do we just want a punching bag? For me, DNF has been running on promises for so long that people are seeing it as the ultimate betrayal - you know, one that's beyond forgivable. The gamers left waiting are getting angry and more than keen to put the boot in - perhaps THAT'S why Yahtzee's fictitious review of DNF was voted the best Zero Punctuation by his audience.

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