Monday, July 5, 2010


In an attempt to remedy to problem brought about by the Hall of Shame, I recently dusted off Okami for a bash. And unlike most games I forget about for an astonishing amount of time, I was able to pick right up where I left off straight away.

At the moment, I have imposed a restriction: No more games until I beat the one's I already have. I have spent so much money on games over the past few years, both in disc format and on the Virtual Console, so it would make no sense if I leave them to gather dust. As such I have many games left unfinished and more left non-started. So thus, no more games and no more consoles until I'm through with the one's I already have.
I have many games indeed, covering many genres, platforms and styles. I have no loyalty to any console favoring, instead, the games - naturally, when you're an adult and you have money to spend you can do that type of thing. Yet, I can, however reluctantly, see an advantage in being one-eyed: You have a priority and direction. Thus, someone like me can have as many consoles and games as they like but too much information results in a lack of focus.
I have often been puzzled by seeing people with huge games collections wondering how on earth they manage the time to play them all - and now, I am in the similar boat. I'm used to see people having a single-digit number of games for their console so now the notion of overload becomes clear.
I guess when you're younger having a big games collection would be ideal but when you;re an adult, you find most of your money goes into important things, like food, bills, clothes, petrol for the car......

In any case, for the time being, I wish to focus on one game at a time. It therefore may take a while to be rid of my Hall of Shame, but hey, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the single step.

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